Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Understanding the Benefits of Hemp CBD Oil

Are you thinking of giving your dog hemp CBD oil? This is a decision that you will never regret because hemp CBD has a lot of benefits. It is something that will definitely make your dog healthier and increase his or her lifespan.  You just need to make sure that the hemp CBD has been oil vet tested and proven to work properly.

Hemp being a variety of cannabis, you may be wondering if it is really safe for your furry friend.  It may be a variety of cannabis, but it does not have the psychoactive effects of marijuana. The hemp used in these oils and supplements is the same one used in foods and textiles, and is considered by specialists as a great superfood for dogs.

One of the things that hemp CBD oil will do for your dog is provide better skin and coat. It is the perfect balance of fatty acids on hemp oil that makes it well-known for its efficiency in soaps and cosmetics. It can penetrate deep into the layers of the skin and moisturize it, promote healthy cellular growth and prevent eczema, allergies and rashes.

Hemp CBD can also help fight against skin cancer in your furry friend. Hemp supplements are an excellent support for cancer treatment in pets. The balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids in this compound play an essential role in fighting inflammation and supporting the immune system. The symptoms associated with cancer as well as the side effects of chemotherapy can also be  alleviated with the use of this product. These symptoms include pain, lethargy, nausea and lack of appetite.  Findings from research show that hemp oil is effective when it comes to reducing growth and metastasis in lung, breast and brain cancers.

For more information on the benefits of hemp CBD oil, visit our website at

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Hemp Study Results From Vet School Cornell

If you have heard many dog owners talk about how they have benefited from using hemp products, you may be wondering if this is something that your dog could benefit from too. Hemp may be a variety of cannabis, but this does not mean that your pet will get high as a result of taking it. It is a totally safe product that can be used to treat a lot of problems in your furry friend, including joint pain, anxiety, seizures, just to mention a few.

You may not know this, but studies on cannabis have been going on for many years, but mostly on humans.  The good news is that Vet School Cornell most recently collaborated with Ellevet Sciences on the use of cannabinoids on animals. The study included mobility soft chew from Ellevet.

The main reason why Vet School Cornell decided to conduct this study in partnership with Ellevet Sciences was based on growing evidence that hemp is an effective treatment for animals. Ellevet Sciences wanted evidence backed by science to know if the Mobility product that they manufacture really works.

A clinical study was conducted that included a double-blind placebo with dogs that had multi-joint pain. Based on the findings from this study, over 80 percent of the dogs that were given hemp oil blend soft chew from Ellevet saw significant improvement in pain levels as well as the quality of life. From this study, it was determined that hemp oil from this company is efficacious for pain in dogs with chronic joint pain, multi-joint pain and geriatric pain and soreness. The vets who participated in this study called hemp oil from Ellevet Sciences a game changer because of the countless and wonderful benefits that it provides not only to dogs, but also other animals.

For more info on hemp study results from Vet School Cornell, visit our website at

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Things to Know About Hemp Products for Cats

As a cat owner, you need to do everything possible to keep them healthy and happy.  If your cat is ill or have noticed that they have not been themselves lately, you need to figure out what is wrong and get them treated with immediate effect. Hemp products for cats can be really helpful to your furry friend. It is a supplement that you should seriously consider including in your cat’s diet if you want them to live a longer and healthier life.

Hemp products for cats have become very popular because of their non-psychoactive properties as well as health benefits. Findings from research have shown that the body’s overall equilibrium improves greatly after using hemp CBD. This is commonly referred to as the body’s natural homeostasis. If hemp oil is taken in the right doses, it can help correct the body and make sure that this homeostasis is maintained.

One question that you may be asking yourself right now is if hemp products are really safe for your cat. Even though hemp may be a variety of cannabis, you do not have to worry about it getting your cat high at all. These products are generally safe for cats. However, there can be adverse effects in some cases, including some sedation and gastro-intestinal infection.

The most important thing to do if you decide to give your cats hemp products is to make sure your kitties are dosed appropriately. If taken in the right doses, hemp CBD will have the effect that you want it to have. There are many things that this compound can help with, including relieving pain, anxiety, appetite stimulation and so on. Note that your pet does not necessarily need to be sick to use hemp products. You can include hemp products in their diet as supplements.

For more info on hemp products for cats, visit our website at

Monday, November 11, 2019

Questions to Ask When Buying Hemp Oil for Cats

Nothing can be more hurting to a cat owner than seeing their furry friend suffering because of sickness or injuries resulting from an accident.  If you notice that anything is wrong with your pet, you should look for the right medication to treat it. You need to look for the right and safe product to treat your cat. Hemp oil for cats is one of the medications that can treat pain in your cat and provide many other benefits.

But you will have to exercise caution when looking for hemp oil for cats on the market. There are some important questions you will need to ask yourself during your search in order to avoid the risk of buying the wrong hemp products. First of all, you will need to ask yourself if the prospective hemp treatment has been tested by a university or an accredited institution.  Serious and reputable manufacturers of hemp products usually invest in research and clinical trials with vets at a university or accredited institution. In case the product that you want to purchase has not undergone clinical trials or a pharmacokinetic study, you may not be sure what you are getting. You may not be sure if the product is safe as well as what the right dosage is.

Another question you will need to ask yourself when purchasing hemp oil for cats is if a safety study has been performed on the product. Apart from knowing if the hemp product you want to purchase can help your cat, you also need to check and make sure that it has been tested and proven to be safe for cats. A pharmacokinetic study is very helpful in determining how often you should give the hemp oil to your cat and how much. Note that cats are very different from dogs, so it is important to ask if a company has tested to see if the product is safe for your pet.

For more tips on how to buy hemp oil for cats, visit our website at

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How You Can Benefit From Hemp for Dogs

When it comes to supplements that you can include in your dog’s diet, hemp oil is one of the things that you should consider purchasing. First of all, you need to know that hemp oil is not psychoactive. It is a completely THC-free supplement that does not have any of the intoxicating aspects of traditional cannabis. Unlike other supplements that are developed to treat a narrow range of health concerns, hemp for dogs has several underlying health benefits, including the following.

So what exactly can hemp for dogs do? First of all, hemp can help in treatment of seizures.   Findings from one study showed that 84 percent of children saw a reduction of seizures when they started taking hemp oil. Not only are seizures a common occurrence in humans, but they are also very common in pets. Studies show that an estimated 5 percent of pets have epilepsy. While you can still use other epilepsy treatments that require prescription from a vet, they are often very powerful and damaging to the organs over time. Hemp oil on the other hand is gentle, effective and all natural.

Another thing that hemp for dogs can do is address feelings of nausea. One well-known effect of hemp products has to do with appetite. As dogs continue to age, they start taking less and less food, something that can result into them having problems with malnourishment. When you start giving your dog hemp oil, not only will it increase appetite, but it can also be very effective when it comes to treating nausea. This product can prove helpful whether you have a young pup on medication that is experiencing vomiting as a side effect or are worried about your dog maintaining their weight.

For more info on how you can benefit from hemp for dogs, visit our website at

Monday, November 4, 2019

Things to Look for When Choosing CBD Pain Relief Medication for Dogs

CBD pain relief for dogs

CBD pain relief for dogs is one of the fastest growing health trends. Perhaps you have seen CBD oil and other CBD products on the shelves at your local pet boutique or even at your vet’s office. If you have a senior dog or a pup with mobility problems, they can definitely benefit from CBD products. While you could also use prescription medication to treat your dog, you do not want to waste your money or risk the health of you beloved pet.

CBD oil, which is also referred to as cannabidiol has been extensively researched and proven to work. So when you give it to your pet, you can rest assured that it will provide a lot of benefits without having any harmful side effects. But you have to keep in mind that CBD products are different. When buying, you need to know what to look for to be confident that you are choosing the right product.

One of the important things you will need to look for when purchasing CBD oil is instructions on dosage. Just because CBD is a naturally occurring compound does not mean that you can give it to your pet in any amount.  There is a dose that will give your furry friend the best relief. If you give your pet a dose that is less than optimal, it may work a little but may not help your pup as much as it should.

Another thing you need to consider when looking for the right CBD pain relief for dogs is if veterinarians recommend the product that you want to purchase. Because vets are treating your whole pet, they need to know everything so as to be involved in all aspects of care.  CBD products that are sold through vets have gone through the rigor of passing the quality and safety scrutiny of the vet community.

For more information on what to look for when choosing CBD pain relief medication for dogs, visit our website at

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Benefits Of CBD For Pets

Do you have a dog or cat who is a picky eater? If you do, you should consider giving them CBD for pets. CBD in full stands for cannabidiol, which is a compound that is found in the cannabis plant. Even though the cannabis plant is primarily associated with marijuana, CBD oil will not get your pet high. It is THC, which is the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, that leads to the high in humans. Even though CBD oil is extracted from the same plant, it does not have psychoactive effects on animals and humans. 

CBD for pets has a lot of benefits, including helping reduce anxiety. If you have a dog that barks excessively, seems overly restless whenever you leave the house or exhibits destructive behavior, it is very likely that they are suffering from separation anxiety. Giving them CBD can help relieve anxiety and make them calmer when you are not at home. CBD can also help reduce anxiety with noise phobias. If your dog cowers every time there are fireworks nearby or a thunderstorm, you will see a difference once you start using this compound.

Another thing that CBD for pets could do is help treat seizures and epilepsy. These are among the conditions that this compound is used to treat in humans. But pets also suffer from seizures, and CBD can definitely help treat that. While there are other medicines that can be prescribed to help treat seizure in animals, they could be harmful to their liver, and some of them may not always work.

Last but not least, CBD for pets can help fight cancer in dogs and cats. If your dog has been diagnosed with cancer, you should not worry yourself too much that they might die soon. CBD has an anti-tumor effect that can stop cancerous cells from spreading and increasing tumor cell death by preventing them from producing energy.

For more information the benefits of CBD for pets, visit us at Ellevet Sciences